HPV Vaccination

Ear Microsuction services in London

Pressure exerted by circulating blood?

The HPV vaccine protects against genital warts and most cases of cervical cancer. It protects against cancer of the vagina, vulva, penis or anus caused by HPV. The HPV vaccine also protects against mouth, throat, head and neck cancers caused by HPV.
Blocked ears can be very disruptive to your daily life and it can’t always be dealt with safely at home. Pearl Chemist Group can help you improve your ear health with Ear Wax Removal in London.
Who is the HPV vaccine for and when should it be given?

Not get the
HPV vaccine?

Most people catch HPV soon after they become sexually active. But even if you have one strain of HPV, you might still benefit from the vaccine. It can protect you from other strains that you don’t yet have.
Without ear wax and the fine hairs in your ears, dust and other foreign bodies could end up getting into your ear canals and damaging your eardrum. Ear wax also helps prevent ear infections and moisturises the inside of your ears.

01. Is the HPV vaccine required for a child to go to school?

Your ears are impressive in many ways, including the fact that they are self-cleaning. Because of this, you usually won’t need to worry about removing earwax. It only becomes a problem if your ears are producing too much of it.

02. Do women who've received the HPV vaccine still need to have Pap tests?

  • 1 Narrow ear canals
  • 2 Ear infections
  • 3 Swimmer’s ear
  • 4 Using hearing aids

HPV vaccine carry any health risks

Overall, the effects tend to be mild. The most common side effects of HPV vaccines include soreness, swelling or redness at the injection site.
Symptoms to look out for include
  • Dizziness
  • Hearing loss
  • Ear pain
  • Ear itchiness
  • Tinnitus
  • Muffled sounds
  • Blocked ears or ears that feel ‘full’

How to protect yourself and other

Book an appointment with one of our vaccine specialists.

Frequently asked questions

Ear microsuction is a simple process which entails the use of a gentle vacuum machine to leave the ear dry and free of wax. The end results for the patient are better hearing and cleaner ears.
Most of the time, our ears keep themselves clean and free of dust and debris, but there are occasions when it doesn’t happen, your age or a possible infection might cause a build up. If you have a wax build-up, an infection or some unwanted debris in the ear, our pharmacists may decide the best way to make things right is via ear microsuction.
In general the procedure isn’t painful at all, although it can be somewhat noisy. The skin inside the ear canal is sensitive so it’s important to stay still when asked to do so.
Because the process is carried out with the help of a powerful microscope, more wax and other debris can be reached and removed. The procedure tends to be quicker and more comfortable than other forms of wax removal. The main benefit after is usually a significant improvement in hearing.
Many people choose to have an ear microsuction procedure on a regular basis to keep their ears cleaned, although the regularity always depends on the individual needs of the patient. Some choose to undergo microsuction every three months while others may do so once a year.

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Appointments can be booked online

Appointments can be booked online, over the phone, or in person. Visit our website or call 01252330377 to find out more about Earwax removal in London.

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